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Press Release

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Welcomes the Confirmation of Rachel Brand as Associate Attorney General

For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today welcomed the confirmation of Rachel Brand to serve as the Department of Justice’s Associate Attorney General:


“I am pleased that the U.S. Senate has confirmed Rachel Brand to serve as Associate Attorney General, the third-ranking position in the Department of Justice. Rachel has proven herself to be a brilliant lawyer – graduating from Harvard Law School, clerking for Justice Anthony Kennedy and working in private practice, earning the respect of the entire legal community throughout her career. She is also a dedicated public servant who is strongly committed to upholding the rule of law and our Constitution, and she knows this Department well, having previously served with distinction as the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy. I know the entire Department of Justice joins me in congratulating her, and we look forward to her assuming her critical role in the Department. The Associate Attorney General has supervision over a number of key divisions: Antitrust Division, Civil Division, Civil Rights Division, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Tax Division, Office of Justice Programs, Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Community Relations Service, Office of Dispute Resolution, Office on Violence Against Women, Office of Information Policy, Executive Office for U.S. Trustees, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, and the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative.”

Updated May 22, 2017

Office and Personnel Updates
Press Release Number: 17-547