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ICITAP Partners with Four U.S. Chiefs of Police to Discuss Role of Social Media in Racial Justice and Police Reform

On April 29, ICITAP facilitated a webinar titled “Police Chiefs Perspectives: Communications with the Media and Social Media in the Era of Coronavirus and Police Reform” with four senior police leaders from four states across the country, representing the cities of Mountain View, CA; Grand Junction, CO; Aurora, IL; Ossining, NY. The four-chief panel fielded questions delivered by ICITAP’s Strategic Communications Advisor to include: How do you decide when to comment and what to share on social media? How do you deal with rumors, fake news, misinformation and disinformation? Why do you take the risks to communicate in ways most police executives don’t? What do you share? What are the most challenging aspects of social media and news media for police today? How are officers being trained to interact with minority communities? When do you comment on nationally prominent cases? How do you respond to emotionally charged incidents? What kind of training would you recommend to strengthen social media presence? This event was the seventh in ICITAP’s webinar series on racial justice and police reform, which began in September 2020 and is hosted by ICITAP’s Police Development Advisory Council (IPDAC). To view the 90-minute webinar, click here.  

Updated August 11, 2023